About me
Hi there, my name is Kate. I am a Soul Center Healing Hypnosis and Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner based in Brisbane, Australia.
My healing journey began over 40 years ago, nursing our most precious little bundles of joy back to health in paediatric intensive care. Having raised my own three amazing children, it is my time now to blossom and spread my wings as I follow my true path. I wish to empower as many beautiful souls as possible by guiding them on a journey of self healing using Quantum Healing and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis techniques. My treatment will overhaul and repair the emotional, energetic, auric and physical bodies, healing emotional blocks and releasing trauma. I feel privileged to be able to guide and support you on this journey to discover more about who you really are.
We are all eternal souls having a temporary experience on this planet in this lifetime. Our past life experiences and traumas may have caused blockages and trapped emotions leading to illness and dis-ease in this lifetime. By visiting the many lifetimes that we have lived and are yet to live, we have the opportunity to explore, release and heal the difficulties that we are manifesting in this lifetime.